Maintenance Software

The #1 maintenance software with the latest AI

With our modern, cloud-based software for maintenance, operations and repair enhanced with AI Superpowers, you always keep an eye on your X, plan maintenance with just a few clicks, record incidents in seconds, create automatic, digital work orders, reliably document everything in one solution and have a full overview of the most important key metrics with dashboard & analytics.

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See why other companies trust us:

Customers with Superpowers in Maintenance

AI Copilot for Operations & Maintenance

Get AI superpowers and fix problems even faster

QR Code & Quick Access

Access important documents in seconds and open the AI chat

Maintenance Plans

For preventive maintenance planning, inspections and repairs

Work Orders

Accurate and efficient work orders for your teams

Planning Board

Plan more efficiently with a digital planning board

Tickets & Cases

Solve tickets & cases for your equipment even faster with AI

Forms & Checklists

Let AI optimize and complete forms and checklists

Documents & Files

Your ultimate knowledge base – find everything instantly with AI

Portal & Shared Access

Self-service for partners and customers with an AI chat

With remberg, my maintenance and repair team quickly converted paper-based maintenance plans and checklists for our equipment into a user-friendly digital form. Each machine has a unique QR code: When you scan it, you immediately see the right manual, the next maintenance tasks, or you can add a new note or pictures to the machine's digital lifecycle file with just a few clicks. Ingo Hild Plant Manager Schwabmünchen OSRAM GmbH
We previously had a bulky Excel for our operating and test equipment. We now have everything in the remberg XRM, including all recurring maintenance plans. Everything is documented seamlessly and clearly. Nils Christiansen Plant Manager Eternity Technologies

End the constant fire-fighting and increase reliability - how it works

The remberg XRM gives you and your teams all the information, processes and tools you need to keep your X running smoothly and enable preventive maintenance - ultimately resulting in higher uptime and longer life for your X.

The 360° view of your X - standardized and centralized

Get a 360° view of all systems, machines or equipment. See in a structured overview which maintenance work orders are pending. This way, you can optimize your maintenance management and avoid unplanned downtime.

Access your X in seconds with QR codes

Excel and conventional maintenance software in ERP systems are desktop-based and difficult for mobile teams to use. With the remberg XRM, you have all the functions available on a mobile and integrated basis – from recording faults with photos to filling out the repair report. What's more, your team can access the machine, system or equipment digitally via QR code and smartphone in seconds and open the AI chat to ask questions – without having to read a dusty type plate and give numbers over the phone.


Digital planning board for all work orders

In a central planning board, you can plan all work orders smoothly - whether it's a maintenance work order that has been pending for a long time or an incident that needs to be fixed immediately. Assign jobs to your team simply by drag & drop and optimize your workload - without Excel, paperwork and accidental double bookings.

An integrated ticketing system for every case

With the ticketing system of the remberg XRM you have all tickets and incidents in one view and can easily assign them to your team. Each ticket is directly associated to the X and shows all information at a click. Gone are the days when information had to be gathered from different files. The remberg AI Copilot also helps you to solve problems quickly by drawing on your accumulated knowledge and technical documentation.

Digital reports and checklists - associated directly with your X

Regardless of whether you need digital lifecycle files, digital reports or checklists. With the remberg XRM, you not only digitize and standardize every document that previously had to be printed out on paper and filed in folders, but also assign it to the corresponding X and make it available on mobile devices.

Connect your systems with interfaces & APIs

No need to switch back and forth between different tools such as ERP, DMS or CRM systems. Synchronize everything that matters with the remberg XRM and transfer information via APIs or automatic CSV imports.


Trust in world-class data protection & IT security

Your data and your trust are our top priority. For hosting, the remberg XRM relies on a German high-security data center that is ISO/IEC 27001 certified and meets the highest C5 standards of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Additional security is provided by remberg with security mechanisms such as password change cycles and 2FA.

Before the remberg XRM, we were not digital. Now we are at the point that every service employee has a tablet and can view their work orders and all relevant information digitally.
Marco Federau Project Manager Digital Service Georg Sahm GmbH
Originally, we only wanted to digitize our service reports. Now we have everything that happens in our service department centrally in the remberg XRM. That is a huge step.
Florian Kächele Head of Service and Purchasing Genkinger GmbH

For more productivity and reliability in maintenance & repair

As a mobile-first solution, remberg XRM gives you a 360° view of all machines, equipment, test and operating resources: for efficient maintenance and servicing processes in one central solution:

  • Machinery & Equipment
  • Energy Systems & Infrastructure
  • Buildings & Facilities
  • Vehicles & Mobile Assets
  • Electronics & IT Assets
  • Other Assets & Things

Your X is missing?
Book a demo and let's see if we can help you with your challenges!

You are 2 clicks away from becoming a digital champion around your X

In our initial meeting we will ask you about your challenges, which will help us to determine how the remberg XRM can best help you to future-proof your organization.

✓ No strings attached
✓ Answers to all your questions
✓ Presentation of the remberg XRM features

Book a demo

remberg XRM maintenance software

remberg XRM is a modern maintenance software from the cloud that allows you to digitize your most important processes from A to Z in no time at all. The software has a modular structure, is fully configurable and is ideal for

Maintenance with remberg XRM

5 important functions of digital maintenance that make the difference

Pen, paper, Excel lists or desktop software served us well, but let’s be honest: it was quite cumbersome.

Maintenance and repair will be much easier in future.

Here are 5 functions that will quickly make you forget your old processes:

  1. Barcodes for maintenance: Maintenance staff rely on well-maintained master data. Mobile barcode scanners or QR codes and smartphones bridge the gap between physical objects such as machines, systems, equipment, vehicles, etc. and the software in the cloud. Technicians scan these and gain access to the digital CV file in a matter of seconds. This replaces pen and paper and eliminates the need for tedious manual data entry.
  2. Case management for maintenance: Incidents are reported easily and are received centrally in one place. Use smartphones, tablets or automate the entire process via our API interface. This saves you valuable time and ensures that no important information is lost.
  3. Maintenance plans for maintenance: By seamlessly integrating maintenance planning into your maintenance using software, you can ensure that plant and machine inspections are carried out as planned. You can define intervals and the scope of inspections centrally and ensure that all maintenance work is carried out correctly, completely and quickly.
  4. Mobile solution for maintenance: Accessing work orders from anywhere, filling out checklists or logs on the go via smartphone – this is now finally a reality.
  5. Digital forms, protocols and documents for maintenance: Everything is stored centrally in an overview, is always up-to-date, quick to find and allows you to easily export for audits.

Would you like to test the remberg XRM maintenance software in a free demo?
We look forward to hearing from you!

Maintenance software in the Cloud

Maintenance software belongs in the cloud: 7 reasons that will convince you

Thinking about moving your maintenance software to the cloud? Smart decision!

Here are seven strong arguments in favor of this step:

  1. Scalability: You can easily adapt cloud-based maintenance software to your growing maintenance requirements. No expensive hardware upgrades are necessary. This not only makes your IT happy, but also the management.
  2. Cheap: Maintenance software in the cloud is more cost-effective because you don’t have to operate your own servers and infrastructure. You only pay for what you actually use.
  3. Mobile: The cloud enables location-independent access to all tools such as maintenance plans, work orders or spare parts overviews. Your technical teams can access them from different locations via smartphone or tablet.
  4. Automatic: Cloud software allows you to digitize and automate many tedious processes. For example, work instructions are automatically sent to your teams’ apps and you receive notifications about the status of work in real time.
  5. Up to date: Never worry about updates again. Cloud providers take care of software updates and maintenance, including security patches. What’s more, maintenance software in the cloud is constantly being expanded and enhanced with additional useful functions. The best thing about it? It doesn’t cost you anything extra.
  6. Secure: Cloud providers often invest heavily in security measures and have experts who are familiar with data protection and data security. Your sensitive maintenance data is in good hands here.
  7. Data: When you digitalize your maintenance, you are taking a huge step towards the future. Because before you use technologies such as predictive maintenance or artificial intelligence, you need to lay the foundations. This includes collecting all activities on machines, systems and equipment in a digital lifecycle file.

Maintenance softwares

Focus on efficiency: your path to preventive maintenance

Imagine if you could predict and prevent failures in your system before they even occur. A good maintenance tool makes exactly that possible. Here are the features that will take your operation to the next level.

Intelligent maintenance planning
With the integrated maintenance plan you keep the overview. Imagine it’s Monday morning and you already know that the CNC machine in the workshop needs to be serviced next week. At the same time, you receive a notification about an upcoming safety inspection and DGUV test. Everything in one place, so you never lose track of planned, unplanned and recurring events.

Digital planning board – deployment planning made easy
The planning board helps you to deploy your team optimally. You can immediately see who is qualified to maintain the new press and who can take over routine checks on the ventilation systems. Simple, fast and efficient.

Mobile use – no matter where you are
Imagine if your technicians could access important information in the farthest corner of your factory floor – even without the internet. The mobile use with offline function macht es möglich.

Digitized reports – an end to paperwork
Printed checklists are a thing of the past. Today, your technicians type their Forms, protocols & checklists directly into the tablet. Fast, error-free and without paperwork.

Dashboard and analyses – identifying optimization potential
A dashboard shows you where you can save time and money. You may notice that certain machines break down more frequently. You can start here and take preventative measures.

Spare parts management – always the right part to hand
No more long searches for the right spare parts or correct incorrect entries. Your technicians can find everything with just a few clicks and can continue working immediately.

QR codes – information at the touch of a button
A quick scan of the QR codes at the machine or system and your employees have all the information they need. It couldn’t be simpler.

Prevention is better than hindsight
With a sophisticated maintenance tool, you are always one step ahead. You prevent faults before they occur, save time and money and ensure smooth operations.


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