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See how our customers centrally manage their assets with the remberg Asset Platform in one place and digitize all processes in service & maintenance.
At the online grocery retailer Knuspr, the delivery must reach the customer within three hours - otherwise there is a money-back guarantee. This is only possible with sophisticated automation technology - and the remberg Asset Platform. Thanks to preventive maintenance and the fastest possible troubleshooting, downtimes are greatly reduced and the efficiency of the supply chain and all maintenance processes are ensured.
Watch the video to find out how Knuspr has made its maintenance processes more efficient and transparent with the help of the remberg Asset Platform.
Genkinger is a global mechanical engineering company based in Münsingen, Germany that builds industrial trucks as customized products from scratch. "The service will play an increasingly important role in the future because machines are often used for decades," says Richard Ludwig, Managing Director.
Watch the video to learn how Genkinger centralized and digitized its service processes with the help of the remberg software.
Georg Sahm is a global manufacturing company that is a world leader in precision winding machines. The company has clear expectations - consistent and high-quality service. To achieve this, the company must have complete and fast access to all machinery and equipment data.
Watch the video and see how Georg Sahm used the remberg Asset Platform to improve service efficiency and transparency in their machinery and equipment.