Field Service Software

Deliver world-class, proactive field service for your X with AI

All service processes bundled in one place, the entire life cycle of your X in view and a team that solves requests efficiently and on the move. With our field service management software, the work of service technicians becomes simple, digital and supported by AI – so you have more time to expand your service business.

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See why other companies trust us:

Customers with Superpowers in Service

AI Copilot for Field & Customer Service

Get AI superpowers and fix problems even faster

Tickets & Cases

Solve tickets & cases for your equipment even faster with AI

Planning Board

Plan more efficiently with a digital planning board

Forms & Checklists

Let AI optimize and complete forms and checklists

Documents & Files

Your ultimate knowledge base – find everything instantly with AI

QR Code & Quick Access

Access important documents in seconds and open the AI chat

Portal & Shared Access

Self-service for partners and customers with an AI chat

With remberg, we no longer have a paper chaos in service, but a central software with which everything from the inquiry to the solution ends up in the digital lifecycle file of the respective machine with just a few clicks. The best thing is that we can invite our customers to the remberg software and thus provide them with a modern service portal in our company design. Felix Kämpfer Production Manager Stöckel Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
With remberg XRM, we have all our service processes in one solution. We previously had disjointed legacy systems from ticketing to the planning board. Now we also provide our customers a modern service portal. Juri Biegler Head of Service / Service Manager OEST Mineralölwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Keep track of all service processes for your X - how it works

Solve problems faster, communicate more efficiently and create an excellent customer experience - from installation & commissioning, cases & tickets to work order planning of your field service.

The 360° view of your X - standardized and centralized

Get a 360° view of every X - simply imported from your ERP. In the remberg XRM, you can see at a glance which X is in use by your partners and whether maintenance is due. This makes it easier than ever to meet deadlines and provide a service that exceeds all expectations. With AI support, you can now solve technical problems even faster.

An integrated ticketing system for every case

Tickets are piling up? From now on, that's a thing of the past. Categorize all incoming tickets, assign them to the right contact person with just one click and assign them to your X. This way, your team has direct access to all relevant information and you can focus on the important things in service. Use AI to get templates to answers and significantly reduce solution time.


Digital planning board for field service and work orders

In a digital planning board, you can plan all work orders, assign them to your team via drag & drop and optimize your workload - without Excel, paperwork and accidental double bookings.

Digital reports and checklists - associated directly with your X

With the remberg XRM, you not only digitize every form or report that was previously in Excel or on paper, but also assign it to the corresponding X with one click. This makes all forms, checklists and service reports available to your team offline and on mobile devices - whether via smartphone or tablet. Now with AI support for even faster completion.

Your service portal for the integration of external partners

Knowledge database, customer portal and service catalog in one: in the portal, your team and external partners can quickly and easily find what they are looking for – without your intervention in the AI chat and in your own corporate design. By letting your partners help themselves, you reduce the number of tickets - and you free up time for more important tasks.

Connect your systems with interfaces & APIs

No need to switch back and forth between different tools such as ERP, DMS or CRM systems. Synchronize everything that matters with the remberg XRM and transfer information via APIs or automatic CSV imports.


Trust in world-class data protection & IT security

Your data and your trust are our top priority. For hosting, the remberg XRM relies on a German high-security data center that is ISO/IEC 27001 certified and meets the highest C5 standards of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Additional security is provided by remberg with security mechanisms such as password change cycles and 2FA.

Before the remberg XRM, we were not digital. Now we are at the point that every service employee has a tablet and can view their work orders and all relevant information digitally.
Marco Federau Project Manager Digital Service Georg Sahm GmbH
Originally, we only wanted to digitize our service reports. Now we have everything that happens in our service department centrally in the remberg XRM. That is a huge step.
Florian Kächele Head of Service and Purchasing Genkinger GmbH

Service as a sales driver: More efficiency and satisfied customers

Whether your X is a machine or an equipment, the remberg XRM is designed with the flexibility to capture exactly the information you and your team need around your X in digital lifecycle files:

  • Machinery & Equipment
  • Energy Systems & Infrastructure
  • Buildings & Facilities
  • Vehicles & Mobile Assets
  • Electronics & IT Assets
  • Other Assets & Things

Your X is missing?
Book a demo and let's see if we can help you with your challenges!

You are 2 clicks away from becoming a digital champion around your X

In our initial meeting we will ask you about your challenges, which will help us to determine how the remberg XRM can best help you to future-proof your organization.

✓ No strings attached
✓ Answers to all your questions
✓ Presentation of the remberg XRM features

Book a demo

Field Service Software

remberg XRM is a user-friendly and intuitive field service software for service technicians and work order management. With remberg XRM, service assignments can be organized more efficiently, valuable time can be saved and a clear overview of all ongoing activities and processes can be guaranteed. The software not only enables the optimization of internal processes, but also promotes customer service and customer loyalty through an integrated service portal, which facilitates the expansion and improvement of services.


Questions and answers about the field service remberg XRM

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the use, functions and benefits of remberg XRM. 

Acceptance and use

How can the mobile app be used by technicians who are perhaps not so mobile-savvy?

The remberg XRM app is designed to be particularly user-friendly, making it easy to integrate into everyday working life. The time savings and extensive support for data entry, such as predefined selections and automatic text filling, promote acceptance even among less tech-savvy users.

How does the software support our technicians in diagnosing and solving problems on site?

The remberg XRM provides digital lifecycle files for assets, machinery & equipment, access to technical documentation and step-by-step work orders for planned maintenance. Diese Hilfsmittel erleichtern die Diagnose und Problemlösung direkt vor Ort.

How do you ensure that technicians can access all the necessary information even without internet access?

The remberg XRM app can also be used completely offline. All data is synchronized automatically and in the background as soon as an internet connection is available again.

Process optimization

Can you give specific examples of how your software has helped to reduce the turnaround time for service orders?

The remberg XRM optimizes various process steps in service: from incoming orders to a centralized ticketing to the creation of digital work orders and faster diagnosis through access to digital lifecycle files and technical documentation. Finally service reports are digitally created and send out.

Are there analysis tools for evaluating service data?

Yes, remberg XRM collects data from various sources and provides dashboards for easy analysis and evaluation for process and service optimization.

How does remberg XRM contribute to the quality assurance of services?

The software increases the transparency and process reliability of all services from order entry to execution, which increases customer satisfaction.

Documentation and efficiency

How does the software support our technicians in documenting their work and communicating with customer service?

Technicians can access data, documents and checklists on the move and store photos, videos or voice notes in the digital lifecycle file. This reduces the documentation effort and enables immediate communication with customer service.

Are there functions in the software that aim to reduce common errors or misunderstandings in the field?

The improved flow of information and the elimination of manual data entry minimize misunderstandings and sources of error.

How does remberg XRM handle large volumes of technical data and documentation, and how is it ensured that it is always up to date?

Data and documents are stored centrally, with easy accessibility and updating options. Version control ensures transparency regarding changes and responsibilities.

Data management and access

How is customer data accessed on site?

Access is via special, secure mobile apps, with encrypted data transmission and authentication of technicians. Access rights are role-based and precisely defined.


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