Field & Customer Service with AI

Increase productivity by 25% in field & customer service

What if you could make your back office and/or field service teams 25+% more efficient with AI and access your employees' knowledge at the touch of a button?

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Companies with AI power in Field & Customer Service

Equip your field & customer service teams with AI

Integrate artificial intelligence into your service processes and exceed customer expectations

The Problem

In the vast majority of cases, companies that have to look after many X = Assets in the field have major challenges in common: assets are becoming more complex, customer requirements are constantly increasing and there are fewer and fewer skilled labour force available.

The Solution

remberg XRM is an AI-supported solution for service teams to solve technical issues faster, minimize asset downtimes and counteract the shortage of skilled labour force.

Receive customized AI answers in seconds

There is a service call and you have a question about an asset? How did we solve the problem back then or on other equipment? What is in the old service and installation reports or in the asset documentation? In future, your team will be able to answer all these questions at the touch of a button with our AI Copilot for assets & equipment.

abstract product screenshot that shows how to translate an email with generative AI

Efficiently resolve tickets with AI suggestions

Does your team receive heaps of tickets & cases from customers about the installed base? Have the remberg AI Copilot pre-formulate drafts for tickets, even for technical questions, to close the ticket much faster.

Let AI fill out digital forms intelligently

Your field teams need to report back how much time and parts they have used and also write a report? Our AI Copilot speeds up the writing of reports and logs by 25%.

More features of the remberg XRM

AI-enabled features that bring you real benefits

AI Copilot for Field & Customer Service

Use AI to resolve issues even faster

Speechbubble Icon
Tickets & Cases

Solve tickets & cases for your equipment even faster with AI

Planning Board Icon
Planning Board

Plan more efficiently with a digital planning board

Forms Icon
Forms & Checklists

Let AI optimize and complete forms and checklists

Folder Icon
Documents & Files

Your ultimate knowledge base – find everything instantly with AI

QR Code & Quick Access

Access important documents in seconds and open the AI chat

Yellow Globe Icon
Portal & Shared Access

Self-service for partners and customers with an AI chat

Connect your IT systems through Interfaces & APIs

No need to switch back and forth between different tools such as ERP, DMS or CRM systems. Synchronize everything that matters with the remberg XRM and transfer information via APIs or automatic CSV imports.

Trust in world-class data protection & IT security

Your data and your trust are our top priority. For hosting, the remberg XRM relies on a German high-security data center that is ISO/IEC 27001 certified and meets the highest C5 standards of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Additional security is provided by remberg with security mechanisms such as password change cycles and 2FA.

In the industrial sector, we are struggling with a shortage of skilled labour. With the help of the remberg AI copilot, we can centralise knowledge, link it to the respective assets and make it easily accessible. If questions arise, all you have to do is scan the machine’s QR code and employees immediately receive answers to their technical questions via the AI chat - this is how we speed up communication and collaboration around our machines. Ingo Hild Plant Manager Schwabmünchen ams OSRAM Group
With remberg, we no longer have a paper chaos in service, but a central software with which everything from the inquiry to the solution ends up in the digital lifecycle file of the respective machine with just a few clicks. The best thing is that we can invite our customers to the remberg software and thus provide them with a modern service portal in our company design. Felix Kämpfer Production Manager Stöckel Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Find out how you can manage your X = assets with AI

✓ Informal 15-minutes MS Teams call
✓ Presentation of the remberg XRM functions with AI
✓ Answers to all your Questions

Book a demo


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