remberg AI copilot

Use the power of AI in service, operations & maintenance of all X = assets

Increase the productivity of your teams by up to 25+% by making the knowledge of employees about existing X = assets available at the touch of a button, so that technical issues are solved more efficiently.

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remberg AI Copilot: See the new possibilities for yourself.

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Get customized AI answers based on your asset data

Retrieve specific knowledge with AI at the touch of a button - because generic answers are not enough for unique cases

The Problem

In our experience, all companies that take care of many X = assets & more have these challenges in common: increasing complexity of assets, shortage of skilled workers and competitive pressure.

The Solution

The remberg AI Copilot helps technical teams with immediate support to solve technical issues faster in relation to their equipment, minimize downtimes and retrieve the entire knowledge of an asset at the touch of a button, thus, reducing the enormous shortage of skilled workers.

remberg AI Copilot in action

Here's how it works in three simple steps


Import your master data

Simply import your master data from existing systems, such as your ERP via regular .CSV migration or REST-API integration.


Import your documents & files

Perform bulk uploads of information, documents and files and assign them directly to the attachments or integrate them via REST API.


Ask a question and get an answer from the AI Copilot

Click on the asset, ask your question and reduce the time to solve technical questions by 25+%.

More features of the remberg XRM

AI-enabled features that bring you real benefits

AI Copilot for Field & Customer Service

Get artificial intelligence and fix problems even faster

QR Code & Quick Access

Access important documents in seconds and open the AI chat

Tickets & Cases

Solve tickets & cases for your equipment even faster with AI

Forms & Checklists

Let AI optimize and complete forms and checklists

Documents & Files

Your ultimate knowledge base – find everything instantly with AI

Portal & Shared Access

Self-service for partners and customers with an AI chat

What happens to my data?

When using the AI Copilot in the remberg XRM, we protect your data through comprehensive contractual and technical measures. Data protection, IT security, compliance with the EU AI Act and the protection of intellectual property are our top priorities, so that the information of your team and your company is always protected and secure.

With remberg, my maintenance and repair team quickly converted paper-based maintenance plans and checklists for our equipment into a user-friendly digital form. Each machine has a unique QR code: When you scan it, you immediately see the right manual, the next maintenance tasks, or you can add a new note or pictures to the machine's digital lifecycle file with just a few clicks. Ingo Hild Plant Manager Schwabmünchen OSRAM GmbH
We previously had a bulky Excel for our operating and test equipment. We now have everything in the remberg XRM, including all recurring maintenance plans. Everything is documented seamlessly and clearly. Felix Kämpfer Managing Director Stöckel Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH

Find out how you can manage your X = assets with AI

✓ No strings attached 15 min MS team meeting
✓ Presentation of the remberg XRM features with AI
✓ Answers to all your questions

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